Firstly, hats off to the children. Reading is alive and well in Room 6!
I remember wanting to see my own children embrace books and get excited about books. I vividly remember that moment when I realised that the world of books had indeed opened up for them on their terms.
So, how lucky am I to relive this moment again and again in the classroom? It is always a crazy happy moment for me and I am privileged to have this opportunity all the time. But, behind my appreciation of your children becoming readers, there are parents and wider family who support them. Your hard work really does pay off. Thank you.
I snapped these children in book heaven…

Parents, let me know if the photo is fuzzy! Leave a comment below. Also, ask the children to mime me taking a photo. If you want a laugh, there is one for the taking!
Also craft!! Wow wee! A huge thank you to Dean, Chole and Aimee, 3 Room 6 parents who helped the children make amazing kowhaiwhai patterns. Here are a few children finishing up their creations.

So now for the Mysteries to solve…
Rosette is getting very excited because she will be having a sleep over with a very sporty family. Rosette has already decided which of the two sports she would like to try. Basically, she is keen to do the one that isn’t WET.
Doggy is head over heels to have a sleep over with one of our class members. This class member will go far in life. How can I be so sure? Here is 1 of the things that really stands out- as in, there are quite a few things that really stand out.
1. This person knows that she and everyone she meets, has an opportunity to embrace each day as a learner- some things come naturally and some areas of learning take more effort and time. This class member lives as a learner EVERY day.

We are ready for a really awesome sleepover starting sooooooon!!!! xxoo Doggy and Rosette.