Morena Ruma Ono Whanau

Here are 3 mysteries  for you. Hopefully you are following our blog and can share this with your awesome learner before school!


Mystery 1

What is this game? Can your child explain what it is called and how to play it ? This is a game that teaches memory skills and focus.


Mystery 2

Armando is really keen to learn somethng new. Remember she is just a baby but, a really fast learner. What will she be taught next?

Ideas: How to brush her teeth, pack a school bag, make a bed.

She will have a sleep over with: someone who has been spotted with the hairstyle that I had at exactly the same age…this person knows who she is…

Mystery 3

Doggy has been up to so mush fun lately. He now has a passport! I wonder where he will go next? Doggy will have a sleep over with someone who…has excellent listening and focusing skills in Room 6.


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